Grocery Shopping Hacks for Wais Pinays
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Grocery Shopping Hacks for Wais Pinays

Published on February 21, 2022 • 6 minutes read
Grocery shopping market

Despite the emergence of online grocery shopping apps and services, Pinoys still prefer the in-store shopping experience, taking their time across aisles to browse all parts of the supermarket. However, rising gas costs and steady inflation require homemakers to roll up their sleeves and become more wais about expenses. Grocery shopping takes a big cut of any household's income, and stretching every peso is a must to cut costs and save. Aside from being wais on your grocery shopping, you also need a trusted refrigerator to ensure proper and safe food storage. No worries, here are grocery shopping hacks to save money from your trusted local refrigerator, aircon, washing machine, and small home appliances brand in the Philippines, Condura.

How Supermarkets Could Trick You

The truth is that supermarkets are orchestrated to let people spend their money. All supermarkets are designed to lure shoppers into adding to their carts and checking out items literally. Many people go in there to purchase a few things only to end up buying a bulging cartload of unintended purchases. You might be wondering why dairy products are usually placed at the far back of supermarkets. That's because it's a strategy to lead customers to walk through the length of the store, passing aisles of items en route to the dairy section. Even the music inside the supermarket and shelf arrangement affects shoppers' way of purchasing while in the supermarket. According to a published article, “a 1993 research study published in the journal Advances in Consumer Research, classical music can lead people to buy wine with a higher price as opposed to when pop music is played in a wine shop.” Expensive items are placed at eye level on shelves, while generic brands are on the lower shelves. The same is true with things that appeal to kids. Brands usually pay a higher price to place their items on eye-level shelves.

How to Plan For Your Grocery Shopping

You have to make the most of these grocery trips despite eased restrictions, rising fuel prices, and traffic. How to grocery shop efficiently? Here are some ways you can make your grocery trip more wais:

  • Schedule your trip to the grocery

Scheduling your groceries weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly is a great way to cut costs. If you have the time, schedule your grocery on a weekday morning, so there are lesser people, and you can avoid queuing longer. Doing your grocery alone also saves you time and money.

  • Check your inventory

Before you get ready for your trip to the supermarket, check your stocks first. Determine what items you are lacking, necessities running low on, and what items you still have a supply of. This will help you determine what you need and how much you can potentially spend. It's also important to check if you have ample storage on your cabinets and fridge to store the items that you will buy. If your stocks consist primarily of fresh produce and meat, then Condura's Ultima No Frost Inverter Bottom Freezer refrigerator might suit your family's needs.

  • Make a list of things you need

Wais Pinay moms know that coming to the grocery with a list of things you need is like being armed for battle. Having a list of what you need to buy will save you time in the supermarket because you don't have to take your time in aisles selecting what to choose. Make a duplicate list on your phone as well, so if you forget to bring your actual inventory, you still have a copy. List down alternatives if some items are not in stock in the supermarket. Sticking with things on your list means you will likely have a grocery bill well within your budget.

  • Plan for your menu ahead

If you like to cook or have an upcoming family gathering, buying things for a week's worth will save you time, money, and effort. It will also be convenient for you because everything you need will be in your kitchen by the time you start prepping for meals. Be on the lookout for sale items or bundles to save more in the supermarket.

Benefits of Scheduling Grocery Shopping

Having a scheduled trip to the grocery around two-three times a month helps you budget your money, time, energy, and even safety. Buying all the things you need at home in one go is a fantastic way to make the trip worth the high gas price. Groceries in the Philippines are typically found in malls, so if you have other errands, you can do them as well. Be realistic with your family's needs and consider your family's eating habits. If you often cook, buying fresh produce, meat, and fish weekly or bi-weekly is recommended. Scheduling and planning your grocery trip also makes you handle your budget better. Setting a monthly budget for groceries allows you to manage your spending and builds your budgeting skill. It also helps you practice buying only the things you need. Grocery prices are not static so constantly update yourself if there are sudden increases on certain items to avoid unnecessary stress. If you have been doing groceries for a while, you most likely know how much you spend monthly.

Other Grocery Shopping Tips

Bring eco-bags. Skip the brown bag and bring your eco-bags when doing groceries. Supermarkets sell their eco-bags in various sizes, so invest in at least two because they will come in handy each grocery visit. Compare grocery prices. Shop in different supermarkets to know where prices are lower and what stores carry more items. If supermarkets are close to each other, you can purchase some items in one and buy others in the other one. Choose supermarket brands if you are on a tight budget since they are cheaper alternatives. Get ready to compute. If you are on a tight budget, using your calculator will be a helpful exercise while adding items to the cart. This will save you from removing items in your cart at the counter. Computing while doing your grocery will also help you analyze your budget. You can make minor tweaks like getting three pieces of canned goods instead of five to keep everything well within budget. Buy in bulk. It's not a Filipino practice to buy in bulk, but you get a lot of savings. In the general economy of scale, buying in bulk is cheaper because manufacturing in bulk is cheaper. If you have a big refrigerator and freezer space, buying bulk won't be an issue. Do not hoard. There's a huge difference between buying in bulk and hoarding. Even if you have the space for it, overstocking is not a great practice, and you might eventually lose more money with expired food items.

Best Refrigerator with Bigger Storage

Go with Condura's Ultima No Frost Inverter Bottom Freezer for that perfect food storage. This fridge offers the biggest freezer space and can house up to 97 liters of food items. What's more is that it has a high energy efficiency factor, with electric consumption of as low as Php 6 a day. All thanks to its Inverter Technology. This refrigerator is also equipped with Ultrafreeze Technology, which rapidly cools the freezer, helping retain food nutrition. The Ultima No Frost Inverter Bottom Freezer is an excellent option if you have a large family and you like to spend time cooking for them. If you love to host lunch and dinners for families and friends, this fridge will help you store plenty of food items. Get the best bottom freezer refrigerator Philippines at an affordable price at Condura! Refrigerators will serve you for a long time, so it's essential to invest in a brand that knows the Filipino needs the best, and that's Condura. Check our partner online and dealer stores to find the ideal refrigerator and freezer for you!