How to Protect Your Aircon Before, During, and After a Storm | Condura Blog

How to Protect Your Aircon Before, During, and After a Storm

Published on April 28, 2023 • 5 minutes read
How to Protect Your Aircon Before, During, and After a Storm

Protecting your homes in any type of disaster is a must-need.

It’s no secret that the Philippines gets storms more times than anyone can count. In fact, according to PAG-ASA, more tropical cyclones entered the country than anywhere else in the world, with an average of 20 cyclones per year. Even if the “wet season” is more or less over, there are still storms heading our way, with a prediction of 5-6 cyclones entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) in the next coming months.

With restrictions easing up and family members coming over for celebrations and long-awaited get-togethers, it’s important that houses, especially appliances such as air conditioners, are well-protected against any type of disaster or flooding.  There are a lot of ways to ensure protection for your air conditioner units – but it does not just end in one way. You should ensure your aircon, especially premium equipment such as inverter split type aircon units, is well-protected before, during, and after a storm.

We have listed some ways to protect your aircon all year round so you can utilize and enjoy your premium appliance for a long time.


As in any disaster, preparation should always be in place before natural disasters even happen. This goes specifically true for air conditioning units like inverter types which require more protection.

Double-check placements

Before buying and installing your air conditioners, always take note of strategic location placements, which should oftentimes, precede aesthetics. If you live in an area where frequent flooding takes place, it’s best to put your aircon unit, especially inverter split type air conditioners that have indoor and outdoor units, in higher places. This way, your aircon units will not be in danger of being flooded. If your house has a second floor, it’s always a good idea to place your aircon there instead of on the ground floor. This way, you ensure protection for your aircon units, especially if your area is notorious for flooding during storms.

Install protective gear and equipment

Protective gears and equipment such as aircon brackets and surge protectors will help your unit not just during storms but in other types of disasters. Specifically, surge protectors help protect your home from power surges, which is especially useful for premium appliances such as inverter split type aircon units. It helps regulate high surges of electricity so your air conditioning units are protected from thunderstorms, while aircon brackets secure the outside unit of split type aircon units.

For additional protection, place a cover on top of the aircon unit to serve as its roof. Avoid using tarps or cloths so moisture will not be trapped in the equipment.

Check if your air conditioners should be fixed or replaced

Ensure that your aircon units are in tip-top shape. Regular equipment maintenance can help prevent any types of crack or leaks, especially if for inverter split type aircon units. Not only can regular aircon maintenance prevent leaks, but it can also help your electric bills. Remember, however, that an air conditioning unit has a life expectancy, so if your aircon is more than a decade old, try considering replacing it if needed.

TIP! Consider adding sandbags so not only are your aircon units protected from possible flooding but your whole house as well.


Preparation does not necessarily end before the disaster. It should always be continuous, especially when it comes to strong winds and possible leaks or cracks around the house or the aircon unit itself.

Turn off your aircon

When a storm is surging, especially strong thunderstorms, turn off your aircon. This is to avoid any type of power surges that can affect your air conditioning units, especially for premium appliances such as inverter air conditioners. Remember to deactivate all electrical controls; it’s advisable to use circuit breakers so that you have complete control over air conditioning unit power surges.

Observe your aircon carefully

During a storm, it’s important to keep track of your whole house. For air conditioners especially, ensure that the brackets are holding up well and that no cracks or leaks are in the holes where it is placed. Although outdoor units of split type aircon units are naturally durable, it’s always a good idea to occasionally check if everything is in its proper place.


Before turning your aircon back up after a particularly strong storm – don’t! Look through your aircon first, take photos if needed, and get professional help.

Have your aircon checked up

If you have experienced a strong storm in your area, it’s always a good idea to have your aircon checked. Professional maintenance service can help ensure that your aircon unit, especially inverter split type aircon units that require more careful maintenance, are clean and operating well. If your aircon units have no damage, you can utilize their use and enjoy their cost-efficiency.

See if there are damages in your units

Since storms in the country are generally strong, winds tend to help damage the house. If, for some unfortunate instance, heavy objects fell on your exterior air conditioning units, get professional help. Chances are, it’s not just the exterior that could be damaged but also the interior. Central aircon units are built to withstand strong disasters, including flooding. However, premium split-type aircon units are prone to more risks when it comes to flooding. Avoid self-cleaning and get your aircon units checked as soon as possible for safety reasons.

Don’t open your aircon immediately after a heavy storm

After a heavy storm, it’s probable that your aircon units, or the outdoor part of inverter split type aircon, got significantly wet from the rain. Allow your air conditioner to dry out and let it get rid of any standing water. Keep it turned off until a professional technician takes a look at it to ensure safety and for it to be able to work effectively.

Consider unit replacement for heavily-flooded aircon units

If you have experienced heavy flooding and your aircon units have been submerged, it’s time to consider a replacement. Although it’s a good idea to have the aircon checked by a professional first, it would most likely make you spend more than replacing it with a new one.

IMPORTANT! Don’t turn on your flood-submerged aircon units. This is potentially dangerous and could cause you and those surrounding you more harm. Let a technician or electrician check it.

Protecting Air Conditioners from Disasters

A lot of air conditioners are durable and can stand the test of time. If properly taken care of, it can last for over a decade. As they say, prevention is always better than cure. So ensure that your aircon units have the proper protection it needs.

Disasters may come anytime, and with the current climate change, you can never be too sure of what is yet to come. It’s important that regular maintenance and proper protection are in place so your aircon can last as long as it can – flood and disaster-free.